The Return of the State
By José E. Alavarez
Consultation and Legitimacy in Transnational Standard-Setting
By Caroline Bradley
Updating the International Monetary System to Respond to Current Global Challenges: Can It Happen Within the Existing Legal Framework?
By Aldo Caliari
Hudec’s Methods-and Ours
By Jeffrey L. Dunoff
South-South Trade and Investment: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly-African Perspectives
By Uché U. Ewelukwa
The International Competition Network: Its Past, Current and Future Role
By Hugh M. Hollman & William E. Kovacic
Reconciling the Right to Food and Trade Liberalization: Developing Country Opportunities
By Lily Endean Nirenberg
Developing Countries and GATT/WTO Rules: Dynamic Transformations in Trade Policy Behavior and Performance
By Chiedu Osakwe
Professor Hudec and the Appellate Body
By Ricardo Ramirez
The Empirical Turn in International Economic Law
By Beth A. Simmons and Andrew B. Breidenbach
Ill-Gotten Gains: The Case for International Corporate Criminal Liability
By Jordan Sundell