Bibliography of Works by Robert E. Hudec
The Reliance Interests in Trade Law
By Daniel A. Farber
Bob Hudec: A Friend and Colleague
By Daniel J. Gifford
Robert Hudec: Scholar, Internationalist, Mentor, Teacher, and Friend
By Fred L. Morrison
Problems of WTO Harmonization and the Virtues of Shields over Swords
By Daniel Kalderimis
A Wealth of Knowledge that Enriched Us All
Daniel L. M. Kennedy
Global Trade Law: Present at the Creation
By E. Thomas Sullivan
Portraits of the Scholar as a Young Clerk
By Jim Chen
Memories of the Supreme Court in the 1961 Term
By Peter D. Ehrenhaft
An Original Approach and Original Insights
By Robert Kudrle
Tribute to Professor Robert Hudec
By Robert M. O’Neil
Mini-Memories of the Supreme Court, 1961 Term
By Roy A. Schotland
Bob Hudec: Our Days at the Court
Thomas E. Kauper
European Union TRIPS over the U.S. Constitution: Can the First Amendment Save the Bologna That Has a First Name
By Harry N. Niska
The TRIPS Council’s Solution to the Paragraph 6 Problem: Toward Compulsory Licensing Viability for Developing Countries
By Jennifer May Rogers
Going Global, Regional, or Both? Dispute Settlement in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and Overlaps with the WTO and Other Jurisdictions
By Joost Pauwelyn
The Internationalization of Chilean Agriculture: Implications of the United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement
By Lindsay M. Faine
The Immunity of Foreign Subsidiaries under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
By Melissa Lang & Richard Bales