A Celebration of Professor David Weissbrodt’s Impact on International Human Right
Transcript of a celebration held in Professor Weissbrodt’s honor that ocurred at the University of Minnesota on October 8, 2015.
Navigating the Doctrinal Tension in U.S. Asylum Law
By Meghan Heesch
Ultra Vires: The Eurozone Crisis and the European Central Bank’s Lost Independence
By Chris Land
Discharging the Duty to Warn with Multilingual Warning Labels
By Sukanya Momsen
The “Sullivan-Plus” Principles: A Cure for Silent Complicity by Corporate Actors
By Vilena Nicolet
Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Symposium: 25 Years, Where Are We Now? Global Trade & Sovereign Debt:
Keynote Address
By Steven L. Schwarz
A Conversation Between Walter Mondale and Oren Gross
The Standard of Compensation for Takings
By Mark A. Chinen
The IMF and the “Transparency Turn”
By Ida Koivisto