The Minnesota Journal of International Law welcomes the submission of articles, essays, and book reviews relating to international, transnational, and comparative law. Calls for submissions typically run from February through March and then again from July through August.
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically via Scholastica. Manuscripts must be at least 5,000 words, excluding footnotes and must be written in English. Citations must be placed in footnotes (not in parentheses or end notes) and should conform to the Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed. 2020) to the extent possible. All citations and sources must be readily available in the United States or must be sent by the author upon acceptance of the manuscript. All citations and sources must also be in English or a translated version must be sent by the author upon acceptance of the manuscript.
Along with the manuscript, please include a current CV and an abstract of no more than 300 words explaining the subject and main argument asserted in the Article. A biographical note should be the first footnote (“star note”) of the Article, preceding any substantive footnotes.