Volume 33 - Issue 2

Contemporary Issues in Counter-Terrorism

Full Text The Editors of the Minnesota Journal of International Law chose to focus their 2019 Symposium on exploring contemporary challenges raised in the context of preventing and countering terrorism at the domestic and international levels. Their choice could not have been more topical: terrorist incidents have for years been regular occurrences in a number…

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Unravelling Socio-Economic and Ecological Distribution Conflicts in Ship-breaking in Bangladesh for Addressing Negative Externalities in Law and Policy Making

Full Text Ship-breaking is widely known as a colossally dangerous and polluting activity. Bangladesh has emerged as the market leader in ship-breaking, producing the highest amount of steel from recycling End of Life ships owned by global owners. Economic contribution of ship-breaking in Bangladesh has been well documented from the report published under the auspicious…

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The Wall on Trade: Reconsidering the Boundary of Section 232 Authority under the Trade Expansion Act of 1962

Mid Continent Nail, the largest nail manufacturer in the heartland of the United States, has laid off 150 of its 500 employees since June 2018. In August 2018, Harley-Davidson, “a true American icon, one of the greats”—according to President Donald Trump—announced that it would have to shift some production from the United States to other countries, such as Brazil, India, and Thailand. In November 2018, General Motors (“GM”), another highly recognized U.S. company, announced that it would halt production at five North American plants and lay off fifteen percent of its salaried and contract workforce, which totaled nearly 15,000 people.

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Ebola and Emerging Infectious Diseases in Armed Conflict: Contemporary Challenges in Global Health Security Laws and Policies

The threat of pandemic infectious disease is not a new phenomenon in the world. However, since the end of the Cold War and the beginning of the 21st century, outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases (“EIDs”) threaten the health and safety of citizens all over the world. Globalization has added significant challenges to global health security, including the global movement of people and goods that may carry infectious agents and the increased use of electronic communications which can contribute to unnecessary panic, further complicating outbreak management

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Romani Women’s Right to Water: Bringing Intersectional Discrimination Claims in the E.U.

“Water, water every where, nor any drop to drink.” Coleridge’s famous words reflected the situation of sailors on a ship, but the words hold true for the situation of many on land today. 2.1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water at home, and by 2025, half of the world will live in a water-stressed area. While the mind may more readily think of deserts, sixty-two million people lack access to adequate sanitation and drinking water sources in Europe. Europe’s largest minority— Roma—are disproportionately impacted regarding access to water.

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Making Children’s Rights Widely Known

Since the advent of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (“CRC”), the international community has witnessed significant progress on children’s rights in both law and practice. Yet as we reach the 30th anniversary of the CRC, children’s rights violations remain widespread. These abuses reinforce the fact that children’s rights—and human rights more generally—have yet to be fully embraced in all communities. A precursor to children’s rights being fully embraced and respected is to have them widely known and understood.

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Basic Law: Israel as the Nation State of the Jewish People: Implications for Equality, Self Determination and Social Solidarity

Basic Law: Israel as the Nation State of the Jewish People (“the Law”) was enacted on July 19, 2018. The Law is the fourteenth and latest Basic Law enacted as part of the incremental, ongoing process of enactment of constitutional norms in Israel. The enactment of the Law triggered an intense public debate in Israel, one that is still far from subsiding.

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Enforcing Socioeconomic Rights in Neoliberal India

This Article challenges the conventional narrative on fundamental rights adjudication in India. The narrative goes like this: The Indian judiciary, led by the Supreme Court, produced several transformational decisions in the 1980s. These decisions, among other things, loosened procedural rules to permit fundamental rights petitions on behalf of poor and marginalized groups and also recognized an array of socioeconomic rights, such as rights to work and shelter.

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