Volume 32 - Issue 2

USMCA and its Potential Impact on U.S. Dairy Farmers

By Tim Will The U.S. dairy industry is going through many changes and facing many challenges. Domestic milk consumption per capita continues a decline that has now lasted decades, and alternative milk products are crowding supermarket shelves.[1] Additionally, as domestic demand has slowed, milk production has, and continues to, increase per cow as a result…

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Migrant Control Technologies Threaten Free Movement

By Caleb Harrison As the climate deteriorates and people around the world increasingly need to migrate, the United States (“US”) seeks to develop and implement migration control technologies like migrant databases and facial recognition technologies (“FRTs”) that threaten free movement.[1] For example, the US has recently begun implementing its “Extreme Vetting Initiative” (“EVI”)—an effort to…

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Is the Trump Administrations Seizure of Syrian Oil a War Crime?

By Mike Franken In the past weeks, there have been numerous articles condemning President Trump’s securing of oil fields in southeastern Syria amidst the United States withdrawal from the conflict.[1] Further, there has been discussion on whether or not these acts are war crimes under the United States War Crimes Act and international law.[2] There…

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The US Sanctions Regime and Human Rights in Iran

By Elizabeth Frazier The Trump administration withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in May 2018, reimposing a sanctions regime on Iran in the months that followed.[1] In contrast to economic sanctions authorized by the UN Security Council under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, unilateral sanctions are implemented by a single state…

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