Volume 34 - Issue 1

U.N. Cybercrime Treaty a Potential Threat to Free Speech

Wendy Erickson The United Nations is in the process of negotiating a landmark global cybercrime treaty, which if adopted, will be the first binding U.N. instrument on cybercrime. The treaty has the backing of Russia, China and a number of other countries. Negotiations over the scope and content of the treaty have been dominated by…

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From Aeolus to Ares: Wins of War Stir in the Eastern Aegean

Jacob Vander Weit Accounts of hostility and contention between Greece and Turkey over the Aegean Sea have been recorded since the dawn of western literature.[1] Recent tensions between these two powers are once again rising, with both countries threatening the possibility of war.[2] Among many, one controversy of the most recent dispute regards Greece’s contested…

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Name, Image and Likeness: The New Struggle Facing International Student Athletes

Rachel Pederson, University of Minnesota Law School   The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) implemented a policy allowing students-athletes to profit off of their name, image, and likeness, but international students-athletes are subject to visa regulations restricting them from doing so. In June 2021, the Supreme Court upheld a Ninth Circuit injunction against rules promulgated…

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Preventing and Responding to Disputes in International Surrogacy: Exploring Better Future Options for LGBTQ+ Couples

Eric Quintana-Snyder As reproductive technology has improved in the past decade, the popularity of surrogacy has soared, becoming an increasingly popular option for LGBTQ+ couples who wish to have children. Many individuals and couples therefore have turned to international surrogacy arrangements to fulfill their dreams of parenthood. In fact, the industry is expected to grow…

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