Volume 34 - Issue 1

The Rise of Nationalism in Sweden and the 2018 General Election

Michele C. Perles, Staff Member On September 9th 2018, Sweden had one of the most unique elections in its history. In the highest voter turnout since 1985[1], the Swedish people destabilized their own government by not electing a majority party. One of the driving forces of the result was the rise of the Sweden Democrats,…

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Will Trump Pursue an Illegal War with Iran?

By Will O’Connor, Staff Member Since abandoning the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action-also known as the Iran nuclear agreement-the Trump administration has pursued an implicit policy of encouraging regime change in Iran.[1] The administration demanded that Iran abandon much of that nation’s foreign policy before the United States will lift sanctions.[2] The Trump administration’s…

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International Intervention and the Venezuelan Crisis

By Toni Ojoyeyi, Staff Member Venezuela has struggled to regain economic and political stability after the death of former President Hugo Chavez in 2013. Today, the country is experiencing unrest and thousands of Venezuelans have crossed into Colombia hoping to encounter work or basic necessities such as food that are difficult to find in Venezuela.[1]…

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African Nations Show the United States How Democracy Is Done

By Ian Taylor, Staff Member The president of the United States reportedly referred to African nations with a pejorative term lamenting the immigration of their people to the United States.[1] One area, however, where some African nations are out pacing the United States is in terms of democratic empowerment is their recognition of prisoners’ right…

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Decaying Center: Germany’s Election Results and its Consequences for Europe

By Robby Dube, Staff Member Over the past decade, the European Continent has seen a surge in populist parties; the far left Syriza in Greece, the isolationist United Kingdom Independence Party (“UKIP”), and the nationalist National Front in France have all seen substantial success in recent years.[i] In the Federal Republic of Germany (“Germany”), however,…

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Can President-elect Trump Unilaterally Stop NAFTA?

By Cayla Ebert, MJIL Staff Member In President-elect Trump’s recently-released First 100 Days Plan, Trump promises to withdraw the United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) if the three members cannot renegotiate more favorable terms.[1] As for many campaign promises made this past election season, people are asking: “Can he really do…

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Attempts to Banish Trump: What’s Really Going On?

Chelsea Ahmann, MJIL Staff Member Donald Trump has maintained a prominent profile in American society for decades as a real estate mogul and television personality. His latest proclamation to run for presidential office, however, has elevated him to a public status that has already dwarfed his previous standing in American culture. Moreover, an increased propensity…

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