Volume 34 - Issue 1

The Rise of Nationalism in Sweden and the 2018 General Election

Michele C. Perles, Staff Member On September 9th 2018, Sweden had one of the most unique elections in its history. In the highest voter turnout since 1985[1], the Swedish people destabilized their own government by not electing a majority party. One of the driving forces of the result was the rise of the Sweden Democrats,…

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Denying Asylum Claims of the Persecuted

By Miranda Slaght, MJIL Staff Member Following the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Congress made drastic changes to immigration law.[1] These changes, such as the passage of the REAL ID Act of 2005, significantly expanded restrictions on immigration.[2] Unsurprisingly, part of the expanded restrictive laws was aimed at barring people from being granted asylum who had…

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UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants Leads to Declaration

Anne Longfellow, Managing Editor On September 19, 2016, the United Nations held a historic summit on the issue of large movements of refugees and migrants. The Summit was held in New York City, which was reflected in the name of the declaration adopted by the General Assembly that day — the New York Declaration for Refugees…

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NATO Tries to Lend a Hand with the European Migrant Crisis

Tim Peel, MJIL Staff Member NATO recently agreed to provide support to the growing European migrant crisis by providing a small fleet of ships to patrol the Aegean.[1] However, the intent of the assistance is not to stem the flow of migrant ships reaching European shores, but to contribute “critical information and surveillance to help…

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House Proposal for Greater Security Checks

MJIL Contributor In light of the recent Syrian refugee crisis and the perceived connection between the influx of refugees and the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, government officials around the world have called for stricter screening methods to ensure that resettlement does not impose undue security risks for countries granting asylum. Within the US, the…

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