Volume 34 - Issue 1

Israeli Election Review: Netanyahu wins another term as Prime Minister

By Andrew Mccarty, Staff Member On April 9, 2019, Israel held national congressional elections to determine the 120 new representatives of the 21st Knesset[1], and importantly, the next Prime Minister of Israel. National elections in Israel were originally scheduled for the end of 2019, but in late 2018 the previous Knesset was dissolved over a…

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Long Road Ahead of Saudi Arabia

By Cindy Shi, Staff Member On October 2, 2018, Jamal Khashoggi, a journalist who wrote for The Washington Post entered the Saudi Arabia consulate in Istanbul and was never seen again.[1] He was trying to obtain documents to marry his fiancée, Hatice Cengiz.[2] Turkey alleges that Khashoggi was killed in the consulate, while Saudi Arabia…

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Will Trump Pursue an Illegal War with Iran?

By Will O’Connor, Staff Member Since abandoning the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action-also known as the Iran nuclear agreement-the Trump administration has pursued an implicit policy of encouraging regime change in Iran.[1] The administration demanded that Iran abandon much of that nation’s foreign policy before the United States will lift sanctions.[2] The Trump administration’s…

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House Proposal for Greater Security Checks

MJIL Contributor In light of the recent Syrian refugee crisis and the perceived connection between the influx of refugees and the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, government officials around the world have called for stricter screening methods to ensure that resettlement does not impose undue security risks for countries granting asylum. Within the US, the…

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