Volume 34 - Issue 1

25 Years, Where Are We Now? Global Trade & Sovereign Debt

Symposium Sam Engel shared the following post in anticipation of our 2016 Symposium: 25 Years, “Where Are We Now? Global Trade & Sovereign Debt.” Learn more here, register, and view schedule here. Priorities in Global Trade: India and Neoliberalism Sam Engel, MJIL Symposium Editor Last summer India’s frustration resulted in a months-long protest of the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement…

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Currently Accepting Submissions

The Minnesota Journal of International of Law is currently accepting submissions for Volume 26 which will be published during the 2016-2017 academic year. You may submit your work thorugh ExpressO or by email at mjil@umn.edu.

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Introducing the MJIL Blog

The Minnesota Journal of International Law is excited to announce a new feature: the MJIL Blog. The Blog will feature posts from staff and other Journal contributors. The posts will delve deeper into notes and comments featured in the Journal, address current events, and even provide accounts individual contributor’s experiences in the United States and abroad. Check out the…

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Closed for Submissions

The Minnesota Journal of International Law has completed article selections for Volume 25. We will begin accepting submissions for Volume 26 in February, 2016. Thank you for your interest!  

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Staff Members Chosen for Publication

The following Minnesota Journal of International Law staff members were chosen for publication. Kamyar Ghorbanerbrahimi: Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Iran and the Right to Enrich Uranium Cara Tang: Setting Norms: Protections for Surrogacy Mothers in International Commercial Surrogacy Michael Srodoski: Steering for More Trouble? Could the Ruling in United States v. American Express Co. Lead to Further Anti-Trust…

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New Editorial Board Announced

The Minnesota Journal of International Law is delighted to announce its new editorial board for the 2015-2016 academic year.   Ally Billeaud, Editor-in-Chief Ally is a second-year law student from Lafayette, Louisiana. She graduated from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. Ally will be serving as…

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